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School of Public Health
College of Health Sciences, Makerere University

REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS | Master’s Thesis Support

Date of Validity

Vacancy Details

As part of the D43 multi-disciplinary training program in digital mobile technologies to study tuberculosis that was recently funded by the NIH, through University of Georgia and the Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH), the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics is now soliciting for applications for award of funding support for master’s thesis research work. Applicants must be students enrolled in a Master’s degree program at the Makerere University College of Health Sciences.

The research should focus on the use or application of Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) or modern digital technologies in the area of Tuberculosis or TB/HIV.

Thesis support will include research support, stipend, and in country travel.

Prerequisites:  Ugandans enrolled in a Master’s degree program at the Makerere University College of Health Sciences who have progressed to at least the level of concept proposal development. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.


Application process

Scanned application documents maybe submitted to: The EPI-BIO department administrator, Mr. Ivan Mutyaba at  and copied to  A complete application includes a cover letter, resume, concept proposal of NOT more than 3.5 pages (Font style ARIAL, font size 11, adequately paragraphed, line spacing not less than 1.15), personal statement on professional and career development (now and in future), and a recommendation letter from the Head of department and from a potential thesis research supervisor.

Application deadline:          01st September 2023        

Interviews: 15th September 2023           

Notification date: 06th October 2023                 

Proposed start date: 02nd Jan 2024        


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Masters Thesis support Advert 31 July 2023(6).pdf (154.38 KB) 154.38 KB

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