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School of Public Health
College of Health Sciences, Makerere University

Job Advert | Qualitative Support Research Assistant

Date of Validity

Vacancy Details

Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH), in collaboration with the University of Stirling (UoS) of the United Kingdom (UK) as the lead (and partners University of Malawi, South Africa MRC, the University of Cape Town, and the University of Edinburgh), has received funding from the Medical Research Council UK to conduct a two-year study entitled “Regulating alcohol packaging and supply to protect health in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from policy systems in Malawi and Uganda-RAPSSA”. The study aims to understand the adoption and formulation of the sachet and small plastic bottles/single-use containers (SUC) bans, what mechanisms for implementation were proposed and put in place, how the bans were enforced in practice, as well as stakeholder and public perceptions of, and explanations for, the intended and unintended consequences of the bans. Furthermore, the study will explore contextual factors important for the transferability of findings to other Sub-Saharan countries to inform alcohol policy development and implementation across the region.

MakSPH seeks to recruit a committed and self-motivated research assistant to work on this project. The person will help review translated tools, conduct focus group discussions, and support the transcription and translation of data.

Job Title: Qualitative Support Research Assistant

The qualitative support research assistant will report to the technical research assistant and the Co-investigator.

Duties Description
The support research assistant will conduct all the duties described below.

  • To participate in a bespoke programme of training on the methods to be used in this study
  • Will support the recruitment of FGD participants
  • Work with the other team members to conduct focus group discussion
  • Transcribe and translate recorded interview data collection

Contract Duration
The appointment is valid for two weeks and non-renewable Person Specification


  • Educated to bachelor’s degree level in a relevant discipline within Health or Social Sciences (e.g. public health, social policy, nursing, social work, medicine, pharmacy, and other disciplines)
  • A master's degree in social sciences or Public health-related fields is an added advantage


  • Ability to travel to Wakiso and Gulu districts
  • Experience in conducting qualitative research, mainly focus group discussions, transcription, and translation of interview data. Essential Skills and Attitudes
  • Experience in qualitative research and data collection; 
  • Self-starter, able to work independently, to self-direct their learning,
  • Pro-active, who can use their initiative, 
  • Proven ability to establish rapport and interact effectively with project participants and colleagues 
  • Evidence of excellent oral and written communication skills in Luganda and/or Acholi languages
  • Experience in recruiting participants for qualitative research studies (familiarity with issues of ethics and informed consent)

Submission of application

Interested persons should submit their application, including copies of academic documents and updated curriculum vitae stating at least two referees. These should be addressed to the Dean, School of Public Health, Makerere University. Please provide reliable 24-hour phone contact and a WhatsApp line, if different.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

The submission DEADLINE is Friday, November 27, 2023

Deliver the application to the MakSPH reception desk in Mulago. The envelope with the application should be labeled: Application for Support Research Assistant position on RAPSSA project (Regulating alcohol packaging and supply to protect health in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from policy systems in Malawi and Uganda)

Attachment Size
Job advert support RA -22 Nov 2023 Final.pdf (221.17 KB) 221.17 KB

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