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School of Public Health
College of Health Sciences, Makerere University

Data Manager and Statistician

Date of Validity

Vacancy Details

TREAT INTERACT «TREAT INTERACT: Implementing a user involved education- and health system INTERACTive task-shifting approach for child mental health promotion in Uganda» is a four year inter institutional project between Makerere University School of Public Health (MaKSPH), Center for International Health, University of Bergen, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare (NTNUS), The Norwegian University of science and Technology, researchers in the cluster for global health at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, University of Oslo and Norwegian Center for Violence and Trauma Stress (NKVST). The project is supported by grants from the Research Council of Norway.

This project has four work packages as outlined below:

  1. Develop a school version of the mhGAP with user involvement.
  2. Implement the adapted module-based TREATment mhGAP school program and investigate effective implementation strategies and client outcomes.
  3. Develop, implement and evaluate an intersectoral supervision, referral and communication model between the health and education sector.
  4. Develop implementation advice to guide policy-makers in how to implement and sustain large-scale evidence-informed interventions for youth. 

The scientific team, therefore, seeks to recruit responsible, qualified, and competent individuals who can work with minimum supervision to join its team as Data Manager and as Statistician to support the data cleaning process for a short term contract. 

Download the file attached for details on minimum qualifications and requirements.

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