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School of Public Health
College of Health Sciences, Makerere University

NTU-Mak Partnership Celebrates World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

Posted on : Friday, November 24, 2023


As part of the global commemorations for the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW), the Nottingham Trent University – Makerere University (NTU-MAK) partnership organized an online WAAW event on 21st November 2023 which was attended by over 50 delegates. Prior to this, the partnership launched the WAAW students’ competition 2023 featuring diverse categories such as comic strips, videos/raps/songs and researchers’ videos aiming at raising awareness on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS).

Alasidar Hubbard, the host from Nottingham Trent University delivered welcoming remarks and praised the annual efforts of NTU-MAK partnership in organizing this event. He gave a brief introduction on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), highlighting how it occurs, its burden, and impact in high and low-income countries. He pointed out that heavy use of antimicrobials in human and agricultural sectors are main drivers of AMR, while advocating for good antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) practices and better surveillance to curb this challenge.

The keynote presentation on One Health and AMR was delivered by Professor Lawrence Mugisha from Makerere University.  Prof. Lawrence defined the One Health concept and underscored its significance in combating AMR. He also shared the action tracks from the One Heath Joint Plan of Action 2022-2023, concluding a call to involve policy makers who are key in the fight against AMR.

“Understanding AMR using a One Health framework requires trans-disciplinary work to identify its drivers and to characterize AMR across One Health domains such as high-risk transmission routes between humans, animals and environment,” said Lawrence Mugisha.

Professor Lawrence Mugisha from Makerere University explaining the One Health Concept during his keynote address at the NTU-MAK partnership WAAW 2023 event.


NTU Masters and PhD students from Sri Lanka (Larksia John), UAE (Rukaivah Yusuf), India (Ronika) and Ghana (Ahmed Hawa) presented their perspectives on AMR. Eladawy Mohamed, a PhD student at NTU, presented on whole genome sequencing to track AMR of uropathogens in low- and middle-income countries.

From Uganda, Amusa Wamawobe shared findings from his study on neonatal intensive care unit microbial surveillance at Kawempe National Referral Hospital in Uganda, while Vivian Nabisere discussed the establishment of the Makerere University Antimicrobial Resistance Club, aiming to equip students with knowledge, skills and providing a platform to amplify awareness about AMR and promote rational use of antimicrobials. 

Vivian Nabisere, one of the undergraduate students presenting the new initiative of Makerere University Antimicrobial Resistance Club which is a student led interventions in the fight against AMR.
Vivian Nabisere, one of the undergraduate students presenting the new initiative of Makerere University Antimicrobial Resistance Club which is a student led interventions in the fight against AMR.

Furthermore, this event was honored by the presence of Dr. Winnie Nambatya, the In-Country consultant for the Commonwealth Partnerships for Antimicrobial Stewardship (CwPAMS) in Uganda who stressed the Commonwealth Pharmacists Association’s commitment to promoting AMS.  In her remarks, she called upon scientists to use simpler terms to the general public to make them understand AMR. “I am happy to see that students have been involved in AMS since they are the future generation.” said Dr. Winnie Nambatya.

Dr David Musoke, the Ugandan Project Lead awarding Nabaigwa Doreen, a student from Makerere University who was highly recommended in the comic strip category.
Dr David Musoke, the Ugandan Project Lead awarding Nabaigwa Doreen, a student from Makerere University who was highly recommended in the comic strip category.


The highlight of this event was the announcement of the winners of the students’ competition where students devised creative ways to communicate AMR to the public. This session was presided over by Dr. Jody Winter, a Principal lecturer in Microbiology at NTU. Winners featured from Makerere University, NTU, Kabale University and Kampala International University. The researcher video prize was awarded to Jacob Michael Othieno from Makerere University, while Oreoluwa Opeyemi Akinfenwa from NTU emerged winner in the comic strip category and Daphine Tusingwire with her team won in the video category. Nabaigwa Doreen Phoebe and Kataike Athalia Lenny were highly recommended in the comic strip category, while members of Kampala International University AMR club were highly recommended in the video category. 

Dr. Winter expressed gratitude to Grace Lubega and Gareth Mc Vicker for organizing this successful event and extended special thanks to The Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET), Commonwealth Pharmacists Association (CPA)and CwPAMS for funding this activity.

Professor Linda Gibson, the UK Project Lead awarding Oreoluwa Opeyemi from NTU who emerged as the winner under the comic strip category.
Professor Linda Gibson, the UK Project Lead awarding Oreoluwa Opeyemi from NTU who emerged as the winner under the comic strip category.

To access the winners' competition videos and recording of the WAAW event 23, see

Written by Carol Esther Nabbanja

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