Dr. Juliet Ndimwibo Babirye MBChB (MaK), MPH (UNSW), PhD (UiB) is a Senior Lecturer in infectious disease focusing on vaccination, vaccine development, Malaria and control of non-communicable diseases. This she has done since 2000. She obtained her medical degrees from Makerere University in 1996 and her Master of Public Health by Research in 2005 from University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia and her PhD in international Health from the University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
Juliet was a fellow at the Center for AIDS Research at Case Western Reserve University in 2002. She has leadership, clinical and research experience. Most of her research has focused on child survival particularly on the reasons for Ugandan under-five mortality trends since 1948. Findings from this work were incorporated into the Ugandan child survival strategy by the Ministry of Health. Additionally, the research on Malaria with Chloroquine and amodiaquine in the early 2000s contributed to the change in drug policy in Uganda from Chloroquine as first line of treatment for Malaria to ß-artemether containing drugs.
She has done consultancy work with the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Ugandan Ministry of Health. The most recent consultancy was in 2016 when Juliet was the national lead consultant and led over 400 researchers to conduct the Uganda national Immunization Coverage Survey. Juliet’s publications focus on child survival strategies highlighting the need for increasing access to known disease preventive strategies in the country such as advocating for universal coverage with long lasting insecticide treated nets and vaccination. The vaccination work explores strategies for strengthening the Ugandan health system for delivery of vaccines. Additional research interests include breastfeeding for infants in the HIV era, mathematical modeling of vaccine preventable illnesses and systematic reviews. Juliet’s current work focuses on child mental health and is now tackling child drug and alcohol use and its consequences on mental health in Uganda. Juliet was the director for the Joanna Briggs Institute Adelaide-Uganda centre for systematic reviews. She is a founding member and the treasurer of the board of Australia Alumni Association of Uganda. Juliet is a founding president of the PhD forum at Makerere University School of Public Health.
She has presented several papers at international conferences with several awards for best presenter. She has also provided technical services to the World Bank Institute, Washington DC as a facilitator for the global distance learning courses. Juliet has additional experience in curricula development and evaluation. Juliet was coordinator for the short courses for in-service training in leadership strategies for health service delivery in Eastern Africa (7 schools of Public Health).
For additional information on Juliet’s work visit:
E-mail: jnbabirye@musph.ac.ug