Joseph Akuze. W is a trained statistician and public health officer, with a master’s in Public Health from the Braun School of Public Health & Community Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Masters, Post-Graduate Diploma and Bachelors of Statistics (Honours) from Makerere University.
He is doctoral fellow at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, pursuing a methodological PhD through which he is developing methodologies for improved measurement of adverse pregnancy outcomes (miscarriages, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and neonatal deaths) in standardized surveys (E.g. the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) or Multiple Indicator Surveys(MICS)) and Longitudinal Surveillance Systems (E.g. the Health and Demographic Surveillance Sites). Part of his PhD work has been published in the Lancet Global Health and has led to a change in global policy for measurement of pregnancy losses in DHS surveys.
Joseph is Research Associate in the Department of Health Policy Planning and Management at Makerere University, School of Public Health where he participates in research and teaching activities for masters of Public Health and masters of Health Services Research programmes.
He coordinates the Maternal Newborn and Child Health Working Group within the INDEPTH Network and is the technical coordinator for the Every Newborn-INDEPTH metrics, a multi-site and multi-country study conducted within the INDEPTH Network Health in five Demographic Surveillance Sites located in Uganda, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Ghana and Matlab.
Joseph is the statistical editor of EN-INDEPTH 13-series paper supplement submitted to BMC population metrics. He is the trial statistician of Action Leveraging Evidence to reduce perinatal Mortality and morbidity in Sub-Saharan Africa (ALERT), a multi-country stepped-wedged cluster (hospital) randomised trial in Benin, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda. He is also the learning and adaptation officer on a USAID’s Maternal Newborn, Child Health and Nutrition program in Uganda.
He is also a short-term consultant with the World Bank Uganda on Birth and Death Registration study. Previously he has worked as the assistant coordinator of the Makerere University Centre of Excellence for Maternal and Newborn Health Research. He has experience in areas of Monitoring and Evaluation, Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis in Cost Effective analysis, and Statistical computing and modelling.
Research interests
His research interests include; Maternal, newborn and child health epidemiology, stillbirth epidemiology, birth and deaths registration, statistical modelling, computational statistics, machine learning and equity and inequity analysis.