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School of Public Health
College of Health Sciences, Makerere University

Epidemiology & Biostatistics (Short Courses)

Courses Category


The School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, Makerere University is offering Short courses in Epidemiology and Biostatistics to graduates of various disciplines. This is in response to increasing demand for research and analytical skills at various work places.

Applications are requested for the following courses:

  • Applied Biostatistics I: Data Management
  • Applied Biostatistics I: Level - I Data Analysis
  • Applied Biostatistics II: Logistic Regression
  • Principles and Practices of Epidemiology
  • Clinical and Community Trials

Applied Biostatistics I and Principles and Practice of Epidemiology courses normally run concurrently in early July while Applied Biostatistics II: Logistic Regression and Clinical and Community trials runs in next half of July. A lot of time on the courses is allocated for hands-on/practical sessions or field work.

The deadline for submission of the applications is normally May 31st but it is better to apply early. Data Management and Level I Data Analysis Courses each cost Shs 375,000 (US$ 112.5) for Ugandans.

The fee covers reading materials, stationery, tea, lunch, bag and organisational costs. For application forms and more details please visit the website at: or contact the following at the school of public health: course administrator, Mr Ivan Mutyaba, email, Tel: +256 785 510385 or Assistant Coordinator, Huzaifa Mutyaba on email, Tel: +256 700 313834.