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School of Public Health
College of Health Sciences, Makerere University

Cluster of Research Excellence for Preparedness and Response to Pandemics and Shocks Mortality Surveillance Project Dissemination Workshop

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Registration of deaths and their causes is crucial for governments to plan for their countries as it guides health policy, resource allocation and decision-making[1]. However, more than two-thirds of deaths occurring in communities worldwide go unregistered in the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Systems[2]. In Uganda, the rate of death registration remains considerably low, standing at 24% as per the statistics from the Uganda National Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) years ago[3].

Islands districts in Uganda encounter a number of deaths due to drowning, road traffic accidents, communicable and non-communicable diseases, maternal and neonatal deaths[4]. However, hardly are they notified and registered with the health facilities and sub county authorities, and little is therefore known about mortality statistics and patterns in Uganda’s islands[5]. The lack of statics motivated this study to understand the status of death registration, barriers and facilitators regarding community death notification, registration and certification. This project explored experiences, barriers and facilitators towards death reporting and notification, whose findings informed a capacity building activities in Buvuma and Kalangala districts. Lessons from this project will inform national policy and other interventions aimed improving mortality statistics in the country.

This workshop aims at disseminating the project findings, and lessons from the mortality surveillance project to strengthen death notification and reporting, not only in Kalangala and Buvuma but also at a national level in Uganda, and in other low- and middle-income countries.

Workshop details

Date: Friday, November 8th 2024

Venue: MakSPH Auditorium

Time: 9:00am – 2:10pm

Tentative Program



Responsible Person

08.30am – 09.00am

Arrival and Registration


09:00am – 09.30am

Opening Remarks



Dean MakSPH


9:30am – 10:10am

Mortality Surveillance Project: Strengthening Death Notification and Reporting  in Buvuma and Kalangala Overview, Procedure, and Results

Mr. Steven Kabwama

10:10am – 10:30 am

Question and Answer



Break Fast


11:00 am – 12:00pm

Panel discussion

Topic: Enhancing Sustainable Death Reporting Systems Across Uganda: Lessons from Island Districts for Nationwide Implementation


Chair: Dr. Rawlance Ndejjo


  1. Mr. Steven Kabwama – MakSPH / PI
  2. Dr. Carol Kyozira – Ministry of Health
  3. Mr. Ochola Aloysius – DHSS
  4. Dr. Carol Nanziri – UNIPH
  5. Dr. Kanyike Baker – DHO Buvuma District
  6. Mr. Hadubi Godfrey – Kalangala DSFP
  7. Mr. Mugume Eric – NIRA


12.00am – 12.30am

MakSPH contribution to Mortality Surveillance in Uganda


12.30pm – 1.00pm

Closing Remarks


NIRA (Mr. Steven Kasumba)
Commissioner IEPHSR Dr. Allan Muruta

1:00pm -

Lunch and Departure


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