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School of Public Health
College of Health Sciences, Makerere University

Webinar: Safe schooling during the Covid-19 pandemic

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MakSPH is pleased to invite you to the seminar “Safe schooling during the Covid-19 pandemic: systematic review evidence, WHO recommendations, and German experience”, which will take place via zoom on Wednesday November 10, 2021 starting 1:00PM.

We’re excited to have Prof. Eva Rehfeuss & Dr. Lisa Pfadenhauer, from Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany as keynote speakers.

Moderator: Prof. Fred Nuwaha, MakSPH

The seminar will bring together researchers, academics, policymakers, education and health sector specialists, and students and will examine systematic review evidence and WHO recommendations on safe schooling amidst this global pandemic -Coronavirus, and seek to draw lessons where relevant and appropriate, from German experience.

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Although the pandemic has disrupted education around the world, the crisis is more acute in Africa, where up to 80% of students do not have access to the internet, and distance learning is not a feasible option. While schools have now reopened in many African countries that had imposed anti-COVID-19 lockdowns and school closures, in Uganda, authorities have set standards that schools must meet before they can admit students. Schools must have enough handwashing stations, enough room in classrooms and dorms for social distancing, and immunized teachers.

With phased reopening of schools taking shape in the face of a changing and challenging world, and with the need to ensure continued education for every child in a safe environment, MakSPH feels this seminar to discuss Safe schooling during the Covid-19 pandemic is timely and you are cordially invited.

We very much look forward to seeing and hosting you!

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