Ms. Rebecca Nuwemastiko is a Research Associate in the Department of Disease Control and Environmental Health at Makerere University School of Public health. She holds a Masters in Public Health (MPH) and Bachelors in Environmental Health Science (BEHS) from Makerere University, Uganda. Her research interests are Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), infectious diseases prevention, outbreak preparedness and response, One Health and Trauma, Injuries and Disability. Her key publications are in the fields of injuries, disability, electronic waste management, vaccine acceptance, and disease outbreak preparedness and response. Her publications can be accessed on https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=rebecca+nuwematsiko
Rebecca has supported the implementation of several research projects at the school and is a former recipient of the MakSPH small grant for junior researchers. Currently, she is a Ph.D. student and a study coordinator for the MILEAGE4TB project which is using short message service reminders and mobile money incentives to enhance linkage to care of presumptive Tuberculosis patients in Uganda.
Email: rnuwematsiko@musph.ac.ug