Dr. Juliet Ndimwibo Babirye the Project investigator and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Disease control and Environmental Health making a presentation at the workshop.
By Joseph Odoi
In Uganda, a number of children are exposed to alcohol. This leads to alcohol-related disorders as a result of the exposure. Unfortunately, no research has been done to determine the extent of this problem so as to inform action.
On 3rd September, 2019, Makerere University held a meeting, a first of its kind, with stakeholders to discuss how research will be carried out in this area under the TREAT Child Alcohol Use Disorder (C-AUD) Project. The project will investigate the level of alcohol burden in children and the corresponding factors associated with it to suggest changes in the health system for screening and treatment of C-AUD in Uganda.
Housed under Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH), this research will be carried out in collaboration with Centre for International Health-University of Bergen, and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
The Project Lead in Uganda is Dr. Juliet Ndimwibo Babirye, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Disease control and Environmental Health, while Prof. Ingunn Marie S. Engebretsen is the Principal Investigator from the University of Bergen, Norway
The project held its first workshop in Uganda which was attended by clinical experts and researchers from the institutions that will participate in the study.
Amongst the issues discussed in the meeting were the project proposal development, ethical issues and methodological issues. The project will also support research work for two PhD students from Makerere University as well as one PhD candidate and one Postdoctoral candidate from the University of Bergen.
This research project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
Edited by Agnes K. Namaganda